Monday, June 26 | 10:45 - 11:45AM
Generative technologies such as ChatGPT and other large language models are driving the future of health. Applications such as communication with patients, adverse events and early drug failure prediction, and integration of data from diverse sources are all within sight and are currently impacting the way we work today and our thinking about the future. However, there are issues of trust, transparency, bias, and ethical challenges to finding appropriate expertise and resources, and other considerations that will make adoption difficult. This session will examine the current and future state of large language processing and will be followed by a solution room that will examine what is needed for the future.
Session Chair and Speakers

Karen Hicks
Deputy Director, Office of Medical Policy, CDER, FDA

Alysha Croker
Director, Centre for Policy, Pediatrics and International Collaboration, BRDD, Health Canada

Gelise Thomas
Assistant Director, Strategic DEI and Health Disparities, Case Western University

Sandra Kweder
Principal, Drug and Biological Products, Greenleaf Health
Tuesday, June 27 | 8:30 - 9:30AM
Full Exposure: Artificial Intelligence to Advance, Replace, and Add Efficiency for Patient BenefitGenerative technologies such as ChatGPT and other large language models are driving the future of health. Applications such as communication with patients, adverse events and early drug failure prediction, and integration of data from diverse sources are all within sight and are currently impacting the way we work today and our thinking about the future. However, there are issues of trust, transparency, bias, and ethical challenges to finding appropriate expertise and resources, and other considerations that will make adoption difficult. This session will examine the current and future state of large language processing and will be followed by a solution room that will examine what is needed for the future.
Session Chair and Speakers

Alison Cave
Chief Safety Officer, The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency MHRA

Hoifung Poon
General Manager, Health Futures, Microsoft

Stephen Hahn
CEO-Partner, Flagship Pioneering; Chief Executive Officer, Harbinger Health

Johan Ordish
Head of Digital Health and Innovation Policy, Roche, United Kingdom

Stacy Hurt, MBA, MHA
Patient Advocacy Ambassador, Parexel

Chief Scientific Officer Emerita, RW Strategies, IQVIA; President, Dreyer Strategies LLC
Wednesday, June 28 | 8:30 - 9:30AM
A Case Study for Illumined Therapeutic Development: Shining the Light on ALSThe range of treatment modalities now available is promising for patients but frameworks to guide prioritization of development are lacking. Considerations before developing a new approach include benefit/risk, patient preferences, manufacturing, technology and data use, and payment and access. This session will examine these issues through the lens of a case example and include discussion of clinical applications and clinical reality, patient perspectives, regulatory considerations, and current and future clinical development pipeline (s).
Session Chair and Speakers

Peter Sorger
Head of Therapeutic Science, Harvard Medical School

Mark Albers, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School
Frank Wilkens Jr and Family Endowed Scholar, Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital

James Berry, MD
Assistant Professor of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital
Co-director of the MGH Neuromuscular Division and ALS Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital

Nazem Atassi
Vice President, Global Head of Early NeuroDevelopment, Sanofi

Clotilde Lagier-Tourenne
Associate Professor, Neurology, Harvard Medical School; Associate, Neuroscience, Massachusetts General Hospital

Head, Global Clinical Development, Amylyx Pharmaceuticals

Stacy Rudnicki
Vice President, Clinical Research, TA Lead, Neuromuscular Disease, Cytokinetics