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Omni Shoreham Hotel

2017 年 02 月 23 日 7:00 上午 - 2017 年 02 月 24 日 5:00 下午

2500 Calvert Street NW, , Washington, DC 20008 , USA

Advertising and Promotion Regulatory Affairs Conference

Session 4A: Considerations for Expanding Proactive Communications by Biopharmaceutical Manufacturers to Population Health Decision Makers

Session Chair(s)

Soumi  Saha, JD, PharmD

Soumi Saha, JD, PharmD

Assistant Director of Pharmacy & Regulatory Affairs

Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP), United States

This session will provide a landscape of the current requirements for proactive communications of HCEI, highlighting the challenges and barriers within the existing infrastructure. This panel discussion will also provide key stakeholder perspectives on why access to HCEI is critical to better care for patients and discuss possible solutions to enable better and timelier communications between biopharmaceutical manufacturers and population health decision makers. Potential implications for patients will also be discussed. Finally, this session will discuss the implications of new draft guidance released by the FDA governing manufacturer communications with payors.


Michelle  Drozd


Michelle Drozd

Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), United States

Deputy Vice President, Policy & Research

Amy  Duhig, PhD


Amy Duhig, PhD

Xcenda, United States

Sr. Director, Outcomes Research, Global Health Economics and Outcomes Research

Morgan  Romine, MPA


Morgan Romine, MPA

Duke University, United States

Chief of Staff

