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Hilton Arlington Towers

2022 年 09 月 20 日 7:00 上午 - 2022 年 09 月 21 日 3:00 下午

950 N Stafford St., Arlington, VA 22203-1813, USA

Biosimilars Conference

Convening Professionals in Biosimilar Development to Discuss the Challenges of Today and the Possibilities of Tomorrow

Session 4: Payers as the Lever to Biosimilars’ Success

Session Chair(s)

Stanton  Mehr

Stanton Mehr

Director of Content

Biosimilars Review and Report, United States

US payers are at the nexus of critical leverage points for biosimilar success (or failure). This session will describe how payers are covering biosimilars relative to reference products, patient cost sharing today, and how this trend may be altered with the introduction of adalimumab biosimilars in 2023. We will also touch on how health plans and insurers will try to encourage patients and providers to use adalimumab biosimilars.

Learning Objective :
  • Evaluate the power of payers’ formulary positioning in encouraging biosimilar use
  • Describe the incentives health plans and insurers use today to encourage biosimilar use
  • Analyze the impact of pharmaceutical copay coupons and patient assistance programs on payers’ ability to manage specialty pharmaceutical costs
  • Evaluate what interchangeability means for payers in terms of formulary coverage


Jennifer  Graff, PharmD

Biosimilars on Payers’ Formularies: How are Trends Shifting?

Jennifer Graff, PharmD

Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP), United States

Senior Director, Professional Affairs

Maggie  Brown

Trends in Payer Cost Sharing of Biologics and Biosimilars

Maggie Brown

IQVIA, United States

Principal, Market Access Strategy Consulting

James  Kenney, MBA, RPh

What Levers Do PBMs/Payers Have to Encourage Biosimilars When Patients Use Copay Coupons?

James Kenney, MBA, RPh

JTKenney, LLC, United States


Margaret  Rehayem, MA

Who Can Influence Payers and PBMs on Biosimilar Decision Making? Employers’ Can!

Margaret Rehayem, MA

National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions, United States

Vice President

