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Virtual Event

2021 年 10 月 27 日 7:00 上午 - 2021 年 10 月 29 日 12:00 上午

(US Eastern Standard Time)

Horsham, PA 19044

Digital Technology in Clinical Trials

This event is now offered in a new entirely virtual format.

Session 6 Track A: Paperless Clinical Trials During the Time of COVID-19 and Beyond

Session Chair(s)

Jules  Mitchel, PhD, MBA

Jules Mitchel, PhD, MBA

President and CEO

THI Pharma Services, United States

Estelle  Haenel, DrSc, PharmD

Estelle Haenel, DrSc, PharmD

Medical Director

Kayentis, France

Direct data capture has been involved since decades now, and the COVID-19 pandemic acted as a catalyst to accelerate further digital developments in clinical trials. The session will investigate all aspects of the direct data capture paradigm, including the improvement of data quality, time to data review, time to database lock, and quality of life of all the ones involved (patients, sites, caregivers…).

The goal is also to interact with the session participants, have them share their experiences in modern-day approaches to clinical trials, explore added value for every clinical trial stakeholder, and start to address standards for direct data capture.

Learning Objective : At the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to:
  • Learn how the paperless clinical trial can change the clinical trial paradigm
  • Understand how direct data capture improves data quality
  • Assess the value for all the ones engaged in the data capture


Jules  Mitchel, PhD, MBA

Introduction to the Paperless Trial & Regulatory Perspectives

Jules Mitchel, PhD, MBA

THI Pharma Services, United States

President and CEO

Bryan  McDowell, MBA, MSc

Telemedicine in Clinical Trials Paves the Way for Paperless Trials

Bryan McDowell, MBA, MSc

Clario, Switzerland

Vice President, eCOA Clinical Science and Consulting

Estelle  Haenel, DrSc, PharmD

Introducing Additional Perspectives to Paperless Clinical Trials

Estelle Haenel, DrSc, PharmD

Kayentis, France

Medical Director

Sheila  Khawaja, MA

How and Why do Paper-Removing Technologies Help Patients, Sites, Caregivers, Medical Experts and Others Running Clinical Trials

Sheila Khawaja, MA

World Alliance of Pituitary Organizations, Italy

Patient Engament Expert| EURORDIS Alumni; Board Chair

