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Virtual Event

2021 年 10 月 27 日 7:00 上午 - 2021 年 10 月 29 日 12:00 上午

(US Eastern Standard Time)

Horsham, PA 19044

Digital Technology in Clinical Trials

This event is now offered in a new entirely virtual format.

Session 4: Regulatory Approaches to Use of Digital Tools: Where are we now and where do we need to go?

Session Chair(s)

Megan  Doyle, JD, MPH

Megan Doyle, JD, MPH

Associate Vice President, Assistant General Counsel - Diagnostics

Eli Lilly & Company, United States

Anindita  Saha

Anindita Saha

Associate Director Strategic Initiatives, Digital Health Center of Excellence

FDA, United States

This session will provide an overview of open regulatory questions related to use of digital tools in clinical trials. The session will ground participants in the current regulatory issues in this space, to set a baseline for the rest of the meeting. Panelists will discuss where we are now, where we are going, and what questions need to be answered to get us there.

Learning Objective : At the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to:
  • Educate meeting participants in the regulatory issues pertaining to use of digital tools in clinical trials
  • Discuss important regulatory questions related to the use of these tools in clinical trials
  • Identify where sponsors are going in the future and what regulatory questions need to be answered to advance the field


Elizabeth  Kunkoski, MS

Existing Frameworks for Use of Digital Tools in Clinical Studies of Medicinal Products

Elizabeth Kunkoski, MS

FDA, United States

Health Science Policy Analyst, OMP, CDER

Matthew  Diamond, MD, PhD

Device Regulations and Digital Tools in Clinical Trials

Matthew Diamond, MD, PhD

FDA, United States

Chief Medical Officer, Digital Health Center of Excellence, CDRH

Samantha  Roberts, PhD

Implications of the Regulatory Status of Different Tools

Samantha Roberts, PhD

Genentech, A Member of the Roche Group, United States

Group Director, US Regulatory Science

