Professional Poster Resource Guide
Confirm Your Participation
STEP #1 Please review and return the attached PUBLICATION CONFIRMATION AND ORAL PRESENTATION FORM (if applicable) no later than Wednesday, April 13.STEP #2 Confirm the designated author/onsite presenter**. If you are not the intended presenter, please respond with the contact information for this individual.
STEP #3 After responding with Step #1 and Step #2, DIA will provide the date of the poster session, your poster number and time of your oral presentation (if applicable). In addition, details will be provided to the designated author/onsite presenter on how to complete their registrationRegistration: The designated author/onsite presenter** will be provided details on how to register. Registration must be completed no later than April 22. This will complete the confirmation process.
**The designated author/onsite presenter will be offered a 10% discount off (this discount does not apply to multiple authors) their regular meeting registration and are required to pay related expenses and must be onsite. If none of the authors are able to attend the meeting, the poster must be withdrawn from the program. If you are already registered, you do not have to register again. In addition, an author may not represent more than one poster in this year’s program.
Poster Board Specifications and Poster Layout
DIA will provide the following for poster presentations:-
(1) 4 feet high and 8 feet wide poster board.
- Poster boards will be freestanding, with a surface that will allow push pins to secure the display.
- Presenters must prepare a poster to fit a usable space of 3.5 ft. x 7.5 ft. poster board (three and a half feet high by seven and a half feet wide). Please note that posters made of heavy laminated materials usually take more than one person to set up and require many push pins to hang. Please consider using lighter weight materials.
- One chair
- Push pins
Suggested Arrangement For a Poster Presentation
If you submitted your abstract online and you submitted as the author, you were asked to provide full disclosure information. If the abstract was submitted by someone else, the primary author will be required to complete disclosure via a paper form before presenting onsite. A summary of this information (including “Nothing to disclose”) should be displayed on your poster.
Display a Disclosure Panel on the lower right corner of your poster. Please use the following verbiage and format:
DisclosureAuthor(s) of this presentation have the following to disclose concerning possible financial or personal relationships with commercial entities that may have a direct or indirect interest in the subject matter of this presentation:
- John Doe: Nothing to disclose
- Jane Brown: Consultant – Apex Pharmaceuticals
- Carl Jones: Nothing to disclose
- Michael Smith: Member – ABC Speaker’s Bureau
Submit Your Poster
Submitted posters will be uploaded to DIA’s Annual Meeting Presentation website for attendees to download and review prior to DIA 2016. This is a great opportunity to encourage pre event access for registered attendees to view your poster and ask you questions during your oral poster presentation.
The deadline to submit an electronic version of your poster is June 9. Instructions on How to Upload Your Poster will be available in late April.Please ensure you have your company’s approval to provide an electronic copy of your poster before the deadline of June 9.
What To Expect Onsite
All poster presentations must be noncommercial and scientific in nature and may not be used as a marketing opportunity. Any mention of drug products must be limited to generic names, and not include logos or brand names in any area of the poster, including poster titles and handouts. Please refer to the DIA Policy Concerning Promotion of Products and Services from the Podium at DIA-Sponsored Programs.Oral Poster Presentations –Take your poster to the podium!
Selected poster authors now have the opportunity to present their work from the podium in addition to displaying their poster onsite at this year’s Annual Meeting. Podium presentations will be 5 minutes in length and include Q&A with the audience. Additional information regarding this year’s oral poster presentation opportunity is included in the acceptance letter.
- (1) Screen
- (1) LCD projector
- (1) Podium microphone
- (1) Standing microphone for audience questions
- Approximately 25—40 chairs for attendee participation
Set Up and Length of Session
This year’s professional posters will be displayed in the Exhibit Hall of the Pennsylvania Convention Center. The location is a high traffic area where attendees will be taking part in networking opportunities while transitioning between program offerings, exhibit booths, and refreshments.
Professional Poster Session #1 | Tuesday, June 28 | 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Set up begins at 8:30 AM in Exhibit Hall A. The Exhibit Hall will not have opened at this time; however, individuals with the appropriate badge and poster ribbon will have access at 8:30 AM to set up. Be sure to set up your poster at your designated poster board number.
- 9:40 – 10:20 AM
- 12:00 – 1:45 PM
- Tear down begins at 5:00 PM
Professional Poster Session #2 | Wednesday, June 29 | 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Set up begins at 8:30 AM in the Exhibit Hall. The Exhibit Hall A will not have opened at this time; however, individuals with the appropriate badge and poster ribbon will have access at 8:30 AM to set up. Be sure to set up your poster at your designated poster board number.
- 9:40 – 10:20 AM
- 12:00 – 1:45 PM
- Tear down begins at 4:00 PM
Conclusion of Poster Session
No special arrangements for security will be provided. Therefore, all presenters must remove their posters immediately at the conclusion of the poster session. Any posters that are not removed are not the responsibility of the DIA or the Convention Center.
Certificate of Presentation
A Certificate of Presentation will be presented to you onsite.
- Presenters are encouraged to prepare 25 copies of their poster and/or abstract for attendee distribution at the meeting.
- Bring your business cards for distribution and for networking opportunities.
The presenter must organize any special shipping arrangements needed. DIA will be unable to ship or store any material.
DIA Policy Concerning Promotion of Products and Services
From the Podium at DIA-sponsored Activities
(as of January 20, 2015)
DIA encourages the exchange of knowledge and supports the dissemination of information pertaining to the full spectrum of medical product development. DIA does this by providing its members a neutral forum for education and discussion opportunities. Preservation of the neutrality of this forum, fostering collaborative efforts among stakeholders such as academia, contract research organizations, governmental agencies, industry, practitioners, patients and vendors, is essential to the success of DIA. DIA draws a clear distinction between the dissemination of information and outright commercial promotion. At DIA-sponsored activities, presentations by persons affiliated with organizations or institutions that provide services or products must be limited to scientific, technical or process issues. Presentations should not overtly endorse or recommend a specific product or service. The theme and content of slides, handouts and other presentation aids should not promote a commercial product or service. DIA designated presentation templates will be provided to its presenters. For-profit organizations or industry logos are no longer permitted to be included in slide presentations, per ACCME Standards for Commercial Support. In addition, speaker clothing may not carry logos or other company specific emblems. In this way, DIA activities will be educational, rather than commercial and promotional.
DIA will create and disseminate publicity pertinent to a DIA-sponsored activity. All such publicity will be distributed directly from the DIA Office or its designee. Individuals and organizations can, at their option, make announcements of their participation in DIA-sponsored activities, but should refrain from doing so until confirmation of participation has been received from DIA. Any advertising of participation in a DIA-sponsored activity by an individual or an organization shall not use any copyrighted material from DIA or the DIA trademark unless authorization from DIA has been received.
DIA Membership is encouraged to provide feedback regarding potential violations of this policy. A DIA staff-led investigation utilizing program evaluations and other related tools will be used and appropriate action will be taken if necessary.
Announcing Your Participation*
There are several ways for speakers to announce their participation at this year’s DIA 2016 52nd Annual Meeting.
Connect and Engage with Attendees Prior to Philadelphia, PA through Social Media!
Did you know that the DIA LinkedIn group includes 34,000 members? Be sure to join the DIA LinkedIn group and other DIA social media groups to start the conversation about your presentation. Join the conversation at DIA (#dia2016) - Check out Signing Up for Twitter or this approximately 10-minute webinar to learn how to use Twitter at a DIA Event.

Follow #DIA2016 for real-time updates before, during, and after DIA 2016.