About our Offerings: Learning Formats
The DIA 2021 Global Annual Meeting brings together thousands of innovators from around the globe to discuss updates in the ever-changing field of life sciences.

Preconference Short Courses
Treat yourself to a deep dive into your area of interest while networking with like-minded thought leaders.
DIAmond Sessions
Thought-provoking, worldwide issues deconstructed by acclaimed panelists representing multiple stakeholders from around the world in this growing ecosystem of life sciences.
Concurrent Educational Sessions
Traditional sessions dedicated to the “how to”, “so what”, “what’s new”, and specific innovations needed to keep up on your day-to-day.
Content Hubs
Have 30 minutes? Join in! This non-traditional learning/networking hybrid is specifically designed for small groups to connect face-to-face with others that share the same interests.
Innovation Theater
Several of our exhibitors will be stepping away from their eBooths to showcase their products and services in their own 30-45 minute Innovation Theaters.
ePoster Sessions
Scroll through a e-gallery of visually stimulating science and new best practice recommendations.
Community Round Tables
Continue the dialogue and develop connections after a session has ended at one of our Community-hosted round table discussions.
Solution Circles
Seeking a solution? This 30-minute learning/networking hybrid is specifically geared towards pairing solution providers with those seeking solutions!
Spotlight Symposia
During these dynamic sessions, industry partners will share real situations, results, and potential solutions that may work for you. They will highlight incredible efforts that are being made throughout the life sciences continuum.