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Virtual Event

Nov 04, 2020 10:00 AM - Nov 05, 2020 3:15 PM

(US Eastern Standard Time)

Fort Washington, PA 19034

Latin America Medical Information and Communication Workshop

Keynote Address: Creating Memorable Experiences

Session Chair(s)

Viviane  Arid De Lima, PharmD, MBA

Viviane Arid De Lima, PharmD, MBA

Medical Information Lead, Emerging Markets & China

Pfizer, Brazil

Claudemir Oliveira will speak about his broad experience with the Disney philosophy, his studies of Positive Psychology, and discuss how every company can apply such concepts to create a magical experience for its customers.

Learning Objective :
  • Recognize how the creation of human-centered processes can influence customer experiences
  • Identify how Disney turned its tragic moments into magical moments and interpret how every company can create a magical experience for its customers
  • Translate how to adapt the Disney Guest Experience Cycle to your business
  • Explain the importance of engaging every team member in creating memorable experiences


Claudemir  Oliveira, PhD

Creating Memorable Experiences

Claudemir Oliveira, PhD

Seeds of Dreams Institute, United States

Founder & President

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