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Tokyo Big Sight

2022年10月09日 (日) 午前 9:00 - 2022年10月11日 (火) 午後 6:00

3-11-1 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo, 135-0063 Japan

19th DIA Japan Annual Meeting 2022

New “Quest for the future”~Moving Creativity and Innovation Forward in “New Normal”~


Click Here to View the Flyer

Click Here to View the Preriminaly Program ( Japanese, English )

Click Here to View the JAM2022 site

In 2022, DIA events are returning to a face-to-face format. DIA is committed to delivering a safe and secure conference to all participants. This means, for this event all in-person participants must comply with our Event Safety Code of Conduct, which requires either vaccination, certificate of recovery, or proof of inability to be vaccinated alongside a valid PCR test. Please click here for more information regarding our Event Safety Code of conduct.

The theme of the 19th DIA Japan Annual Meeting is “New "Quest for the future"- Moving Creativity and Innovation Forward in "New Normal" - ”. This means that we who have experienced COVID 19 will explore the future in a new normal environment. COVID19 has brought us lives and environments that we have never experienced before. While face-to-face work declined dramatically, digital transformation accelerated at once. They also promoted extremely rapid development of vaccines and therapeutic agents, as well as new clinical trial models including telemedicine. In addition, the importance of self-care associated with refraining from visiting medical institutions and the importance of addressing the issue of infodemics were reaffirmed.

In the new normal environment that has brought about by COVID19, we are seeking to implement new clinical trials, implement safety measures, disseminate information, develop new modalities, and respond to self-care. There is a need for new Creativity and Innovation on pharmaceuticals, medical devices, regenerative medicine, and other products for the future. We wish to share and discuss how to proceed with this in advance, as well as the efforts, experiences and ideas of you, and to make it a conference to proceed further in advance. It is hoped that discussions will take place from a variety of positions and perspectives.

This year, we will hold the meeting in a hybrid format (In-person and Live Virtual) considering the status of expansion of new coronavirus infectious diseases. The following two types of lecture are planned.

  • Live lectures: Live (partially recorded) speaks (and live panel discussions) on the day and date of each session. In principle, a live video of the day is recorded and can be viewed until the end of November.
  • On-demand lectures: Prerecorded lectures (and panel discussions) are distributed. Recordings can be viewed from the first day of the annual meeting until the end of November.

We sincerely look forward to your participation.


  • Koji  Iwasaki, PhD
    Koji Iwasaki, PhD Professor, Academic Clinical Research Center,
    Osaka University Hospital, Japan
  • Tomiko  Tawaragi
    Tomiko Tawaragi Director
    RAD-AR Council, Japan
  • Kazuhiko  Ishida, MSc, RPh
    Kazuhiko Ishida, MSc, RPh Director, Pharmacovigilance
    Astellas Pharma Inc., Japan
  • Naoki  Isogawa, PhD
    Naoki Isogawa, PhD Biometrics & Quantitative Sciences East Asia (BQS), Head of BQS East Asia
    UCB Japan Co., Ltd., Japan
  • Keiko  Katsui, PhD
    Keiko Katsui, PhD Group of Social Co-Creation
    Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED), Japan
  • Kana  Maruyama
    Kana Maruyama Manager, Regulatory Labeling, Regulatory Affairs
    Viatris Pharmaceuticals Japan GK, Japan
  • Sho  Mizokawa, MBA, MSc, RPh
    Sho Mizokawa, MBA, MSc, RPh Senior Manager, Development Project Management
    Astellas Pharma Inc., Japan
  • Takashi  Moriya, PhD, MBA
    Takashi Moriya, PhD, MBA Director, Vaccines, Real-World Evidence and Health Outcomes Research
    GlaxoSmithKline K.K., Japan
  • Hiroyuki  Murakami
    Hiroyuki Murakami Duputy Review Director, Office of New Drug I
    Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA), Japan
  • Noriaki  Nagao, MPharm, PMP
    Noriaki Nagao, MPharm, PMP Pharmaceutical Division,Clinical Development Dept.
  • Atsuo  Nakagawa, MD, PhD
    Atsuo Nakagawa, MD, PhD Assistant Professor, The Center for Clinical Research
    Keio University School of Medicine, Japan
  • Yukiko  Nishimura, PhD, MSc
    Yukiko Nishimura, PhD, MSc Director
    Advocacy Service for Rare and Intractable Diseases, Japan
  • Katsuhiko  Sawada, MPharm
    Katsuhiko Sawada, MPharm Director, Research and Development Dept.
    Otsuka Medical Devices Co.Ltd., Japan
  • Yasuharu  Shibata, MSc
    Yasuharu Shibata, MSc Head of Clinical Data Management, Cliinical Data Management
    MSD K.K., Japan
  • Kazumi  Sunamura
    Kazumi Sunamura Director, Regulatory Strategy & Policy 2
    Pfizer R&D Japan, Japan
  • Kazuyuki  Suzuki, MSc
    Kazuyuki Suzuki, MSc Senior Lead strategy & Execution Patient Engagement group Cuntry Comms & Patient
    Novartis Pharma K.K., Japan
  • Keiko  Tsumori, MSc
    Keiko Tsumori, MSc Associate Director, Medical Writing, Regulatory Affairs Area, Japan Development
    MSD K.K., Japan
  • Tetsuya  Watanabe, RPh
    Tetsuya Watanabe, RPh Senior Medical Director, Medical Affairs
    Astellas Pharma Inc., Japan
  • Miyoko  Yamauchi
    Miyoko Yamauchi Head, Human Capital Development Group
  • Haruko  Yamamoto, MD, PhD
    Haruko Yamamoto, MD, PhD Executive Director
    National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center, Japan
  • Junichi  Nishino, MSc, RPh
    Junichi Nishino, MSc, RPh Head, Regulatory Affairs Department
    Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Japan
  • Goshi  Ozawa, MS
    Goshi Ozawa, MS Representative Director & President, Japan / R&D Head
    Juniper Therapeutix K.K., Japan
  • Rie  Matsui, RPh
    Rie Matsui, RPh Senior Director, Regional Labeling Head for APAC, International Labeling
    Pfizer R&D Japan G.K., Japan
  • Junko  Sato, PhD
    Junko Sato, PhD Associate Executive Director
    Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA), Japan
  • Shinichi  Nishiuma, MD
    Shinichi Nishiuma, MD Senior medical director
    Jazz pharmaceuticals Japan, Japan
  • Sonoko  Misawa, MD, PhD
    Sonoko Misawa, MD, PhD Associate Professor, Department of Neurology
    Chiba University Graduate of Medicine, Japan
  • Mika  Ogasawara
    Mika Ogasawara Data Quality Lead, Biometrics and Data Management
    Pfizer R&D Japan G.K., Japan
  • Taro  Amagasaki, PhD
    Taro Amagasaki, PhD Head, Analytics Japan
    Novartis Pharma K.K., Japan
  • Yukihiro  Matsuda, MSc
    Yukihiro Matsuda, MSc Director, Clinical Delivery
    ICON Clinical Research GK, Japan
  • Mitsuo  Ishikawa, MPharm
    Mitsuo Ishikawa, MPharm
    Medii, Japan
  • Mengyan  Deng, PhD
    Mengyan Deng, PhD Senior Associate, Japan Regulatory Affairs
    Eisai Co., Ltd., Japan
  • Koichi  GOTO
    Koichi GOTO Deputy Manager
    CM Plus Corporation, Japan
  • Nanako  Hamazaki
    Nanako Hamazaki Tsukuba Clinical Research & Development Organization
    University of Tsukuba, Japan
  • Yuta  Kasai
    Yuta Kasai Japan-Asia Clinical Development 2
    Astellas Pharma Inc., Japan
  • Tomoki  Kato, MS
    Tomoki Kato, MS Associate Manager, Clinical Quality Management Group, R&D Division
    Daiichi Sankyo Company, Limited, Japan
  • Fumitaka  Kawasaki
    Fumitaka Kawasaki Assistant Manager/R&D Planning & Project Management Department
  • Tomoko  Kondo, PhD, RPh
    Tomoko Kondo, PhD, RPh Professor, Division of Translational Medicine
    Kagoshima University, Japan
  • Akiko  Nishioka
    Akiko Nishioka Clinical Project Manager
    Novartis Pharma K.K., Japan
  • Tetsuya  Sasaki, PhD
    Tetsuya Sasaki, PhD Department of International Clinical Development
    National Cancer Center Hospital, Japan
  • Chiaki  Takeuchi
    Chiaki Takeuchi Clinical Operation Lead
    Abbvie GK, Japan
  • Yuji  Utsuno
    Yuji Utsuno Reviewer, Advanced Review with Electronic Data Promotion Group
    Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA), Japan
  • Yusaku  Yoshioka
    Yusaku Yoshioka Office of Review Manegement Division of Innovation Support and Pharmaceutical Af
    Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA), Japan

