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Virtual Event

2020年5月18日 (月) 午前 10:00 - 2020年5月20日 (水) 午後 3:15

(US Eastern Standard Time)

Horsham, PA 19044

Advertising and Promotion Regulatory Affairs Conference

This event is now offered in a new entirely virtual format.


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Download and fill out our Justification Letter to demonstrate to your supervisor why this is a must-attend event.

Exclusive Podcast!

On Demand Content Preview Webinar

Ad/Promo eCTD Submissions Round Table

The Ad/Promo eCTD Submissions Round Table will present the experiences and perspectives of three companies who have transitioned their Ad/Promo Submission process to eCTD format. The panel features representatives from Eli Lilly, Otsuka, and Agios and is moderated by the Office of Prescription Drug Promotion. Each panel member provides an overview of their path to Ad/Promo eCTD adoption while also discussing challenges and lessons learned along the way.

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