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Nov 14, 2022 7:00 AM - Nov 15, 2022 7:00 PM

Data Science Conference

Bridging Data Science and Clinical Development!

Session 6B: The Journey to Identifying Useful Biomarkers: Are We There Yet?

Session Chair(s)

Chava  Zibman, PhD

Chava Zibman, PhD

Mathematical Statistician, CDRH

FDA, United States

This session will explore the process of developing biomarkers into clinically useful diagnostic and therapeutic products. From a data science perspective, we will consider all the forms that biomarkers may take and how they are developed and validated. We will do this with a focus on the expertise represented on the team that is developing a biomarker. We will also focus on ways to identify patients that would benefit from a biomarker and the data needed throughout the process.

Learning Objective : At the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to:
  • Describe what biomarkers are and how they are clinically used
  • Identify traditional and non-traditional sources of data and methods to identify potential biomarkers
  • List the professionals involved in biomarker development and differentiate their roles
  • Discuss the validation process that would result in regulatory approval


Adam  Pavlicek, PhD


Adam Pavlicek, PhD

Monoceros Biosystems, LLC, United States

Founder and CEO

Lee  Albacker, PhD


Lee Albacker, PhD

Foundation Medicine, United States

Senior Director, Biomarker Development and Analytics

Abena  Agyeman, PhD


Abena Agyeman, PhD

FDA, United States

Senior Biologist

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