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Apr 14, 2021 10:00 AM - Apr 16, 2021 3:45 PM

(US Eastern Standard Time)

DIA/FDA Biostatistics Industry and Regulator Forum

This event is now offered in a new entirely virtual format.

Senior Leaders Town Hall

Session Chair(s)

Stella C. Grosser, PhD, MS

Stella C. Grosser, PhD, MS

Division Director, Office of Biostatistics, OTS, CDER

FDA, United States

Lisa  Lupinacci, PhD, MS

Lisa Lupinacci, PhD, MS

Senior Vice President, Biostatistics and Research Decision Sciences

Merck and Co., Inc., United States

This session will provide an opportunity for attendees to hear senior leaders’ thoughts on topics relevant to today’s drug development environment. There will be several topics introduced for discussion, and the senior leaders will provide comments. There will also be an opportunity for attendees to ask questions of specific panel members or the entire panel.

Learning Objective : At the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to:
  • Discuss statistical leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic to comprehend clinical trial issues and influence revisions
  • Explain perspectives on the decentralization of clinical trials during the COVID-19 pandemic and describe how revisions might impact statistical issues
  • Identify areas where statisticians could benefit from further leadership training to prepare for upcoming challenges


    Andrew  Thomson, PhD, MA, MS


    Andrew Thomson, PhD, MA, MS

    European Medicines Agency, Netherlands

    Statistician, Methodology Taskforce

    John  Scott, PhD, MA


    John Scott, PhD, MA

    FDA, United States

    Division Director, Office of Biostatistics, CBER

    Sylva Heghinian  Collins, PhD


    Sylva Heghinian Collins, PhD

    FDA, United States

    Director, Office of Biostatistics, FDA, CDER

    Bruce  Binkowitz, PhD, MSc


    Bruce Binkowitz, PhD, MSc

    Arcutis Biotherapeutics, Inc., United States

    Vice President, Biometrics

    Pandurang M Kulkarni, PhD


    Pandurang M Kulkarni, PhD

    Eli Lilly and Company, United States

    Chief Analytics Officer-R&D / Vice President of Statistics, Data & Analytics

    Sara  Hughes


    Sara Hughes

    GlaxoSmithKline, United States

    Senior Vice President, Biostatistics

    Amy  Xia, PhD


    Amy Xia, PhD

    Amgen Inc., United States

    Vice President, Center for Design and Analysis

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