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Virtual Event

May 05, 2020 8:00 AM - May 05, 2020 8:00 AM

(Pacific Standard Time)

Fort Washington, PA 19034

On Demand Short Course 3: Pubs Planning


Bhakti  Kshatriya, PharmD

Bhakti Kshatriya, PharmD

Founder, Publication Practice Counsel, Truposha, LLC, United States

Dr. Kshatriya is author, speaker & medical communications expert with over 25 yrs industry experience. She has published book Recoding Scientific Publishing: Raising the Bar in an Era of Transformation, providing key insights into scientific publishing process. She is founder of Publication Practice Counsel, Truposha LLC, providing medical communication services to pharmaceutical, biotech & medical device companies. Prior to this, she has worked at Novartis Oncology, ALTANA Pharma, Aventis Pharmaceuticals, and DuPont Merck Pharmaceutical Company. She has extensive medical affairs experience, including publications, med education, med info, ad boards, etc, and expertise in corporate policy/SOPs, metrics, compliance & monitoring.

MaryKate  Lesnevich, MS

MaryKate Lesnevich, MS

Director, Global Scientific Communications, I&I, Bristol-Myers Sqibb, United States

MaryKate Lesnevich is Director, Global Scientific Communications, I&I at Celgene Corporation. She has over 18 years of experience working in both the medical device and pharmaceutical industry. During that time, MaryKate has primarily focused on peer-reviewed publication planning related to abdominal surgery, dermatology, gastroenterology, neurology, and rheumatology. In her current role, MaryKate leads the global publication teams for neurology and gastroenterology at Celgene. MaryKate has a MS in Clinical Trial Management and is a Certified Medical Publication Professional (ISMPP CMPP™).

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