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Virtual Event

May 06, 2020 10:00 AM - May 07, 2020 4:45 PM

(Eastern Standard Time)

Fort Washington, PA 19034

Medical Affairs and Scientific Communications Forum

Professional Development Workshop - Self Branding for Social Media

Session Chair(s)

Chris  Matheus, MBA

Chris Matheus, MBA

Chief Commercial and Networking Officer

United States

How you are seen by others is important. You are your own brand. If one doesn’t manage one’s brand, it will be created for them by others. Through this workshop we intend to demonstrate to attendees what this means, how it manifests itself and how it can positively or adversely affect your career success. Forum attendance is its own unique social media. From the time you arrive at the airport through the end of the forum, your brand is being seen. The various social media outlets will be discussed and appropriate use of them from the business perspective will be presented.

Learning Objective :

At the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to:

  • Recognize the importance of self-branding
  • Differentiate social media tools for career support versus sharing life with friends
  • Discuss the role your brand plays in your everyday life


Chris  Matheus, MBA


Chris Matheus, MBA

United States

Chief Commercial and Networking Officer

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