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[S26] eSource in Clinical Trials -Global/Japan Use Cases-
Session Chair(s)
Toshihiko Doi, MD, PhD
Deputy Director / Chief, Experimental Therapeutics
National Cancer Center Hospital East, Japan
The value of eSource is indisputable. TransCelerate member companies and other select organizations will share experiences of eSource implementation and discuss lesson learned to continue to progress towards the digitalization of clinical trials. Discuss the application of eSource in clinical trials from an industry member consortium and others; Identify important lessons learned for future application and adoption of eSource within their organizations and continue to uncover unknowns in this emerging space related to technology and standards in need of further advancement.
Digitally Enabled Patient-Centric Clinical Trials – Current State and Future Opportunities
Matthew Moyer, MBA, MS, PMP
Merck & Co., Inc., United States
TransCelerate eSource Regulatory Landscape Assessment
Jesper Kjær, MS
Novo Nordisk, Denmark
Global Director for Public, Private Partnerships, Strat Ops, Global Med Affairs
Comparison of eSource Approaches
Amy Cramer, BSN, MS, RN
Pfizer Inc, United States
Global Product Development Strategic Partnerships
The Experience of DDC (Direct Data Capture) Introduction and Our Future Scope
Yuichi Yamada
Shionogi & Co., Ltd., Japan
Data Manager, Biostatistics Department
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