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Bethesda North Marriott Hotel and Conference Center

Apr 23, 2019 7:00 AM - Apr 25, 2019 5:00 PM

5701 Marinelli Road, , North Bethesda, MD 20852 , USA

CMC Workshop

Explore how to utilize effective CMC strategies and execution and how it can help to reduce regulatory burden, enable shorter review timelines, and support post-approval maintenance.

Session 8 Track B: MRA Implementation: Implementation of the EU-FDA GMP Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA): FDA Update and Industry Survey Results

Session Chair(s)

Andrew  Chang, PhD

Andrew Chang, PhD

Vice President, Quality and Regulatory Compliance

Novo Nordisk, United States

By February 2019, 22 EU member states were assessed by US FDA on their capability and qualified. At this session, a representative from FDA will share their experience and perspectives on the implementation of the MRA. Industry representatives from both sides across the Atlantic Ocean will share their results from the MRA implementation benchmarking survey.

Learning Objective : At the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to:
  • Describe the progress of implementing the EU-FDA MRA
  • Summarize the perspectives and experience from the FDA and the regulated industry on implementation of the MRA


Brian  Hasselbalch

The MRA Implementation: FDA’s Perspective and Experience

Brian Hasselbalch

FDA, United States

Deputy Director, Office of Policy for Pharmaceutical Quality, OPQ, CDER

Stephan  Roenninger, DrSc

MRA Implementation - European Industry View

Stephan Roenninger, DrSc

Amgen (Europe) GmbH, Switzerland

Director, Quality External Affairs

Andrew  Chang, PhD

The MRA Implementation: Industry’s Perspective and Experience

Andrew Chang, PhD

Novo Nordisk, United States

Vice President, Quality and Regulatory Compliance

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