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Session 4 Track 4 - Structured Authoring – New Paradigm for Data Driven Authoring for Life Sciences
Session Chair(s)
Jake Doran
Vice President, Digital
Lykos Therapeutics, United States
Structured authoring isn’t something new, but is the life sciences industry now ready to adopt the concept and implement the vision to realize the strategic advantage? Examine compelling information around the concept of structured authoring, how structured authoring has developed over the years, and how a comprehensive enterprise approach to Structured Content Management (SCM) can be leveraged by your organization to streamline the process of developing submission information. Learn how SCM can be utilized to facilitate information and document re-use and ensure accuracy of information throughout the life cycle of product development. Hear from subject matter experts on the concept and from an industry representative on the journey one organization is taking to realizing the future of document authoring.
Learning Objective : The shift from submission to product focus is already happening. We are forced to think in Product Information entities rather than in documents and structures. The border between data and content disappears. Identify the overlapping and complementary areas between Master Data principles and Regulatory Information Management requirements. Enable automated data governance.
Structured Authoring - New Paradigm for Data Driven Authoring for Life Sciences?
Romuald Braun, MS, MSc, RAC
Uanotau Gmbh, Switzerland
Managing Director
An Information Architecture Designed for Reusability: Avoiding Tiny Topic Syndrome
James Nichols
Lorenz Life Sciences Group, United States
Director of Sales & Account Management

Building the Business Case for Adopting a Structured Authoring Toolkit: What Does it Take and Why is the Process so Painful?
Frank J. Meloni, PhD
Janssen Research and Development, LLC, United States
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