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Virtual Event

2023年3月06日 (月) 午前 10:00 - 2023年3月08日 (水) 午後 4:30

(US Eastern Standard Time)

Horsham, PA 19044

Latin America Annual Meeting

Latin America Annual Meeting is fully virtual. Join us from the comfort of your own space!

Session 1, Tracks A, B: Regulatory and Clinical Priorities, Plans, Projects and Updates from Regulatory Authorities

Session Chair(s)

Maria Antonieta Tony Roman, MPharm

Maria Antonieta Tony Roman, MPharm

Head Regulatory Policy Emerging Markets LATAM

Novartis, Mexico

Michelle  Arguelles Gonzalez, MBA, RPh, PMP

Michelle Arguelles Gonzalez, MBA, RPh, PMP

Executive Director, Clinical Research

Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD), Mexico

This session will provide insights and updates from various regulatory health authorities in Latin America on their current regulatory priorities, plans, projects, and updates. Gain a broader understanding of the current regulatory systems in Latin America with both clinical and regulatory perspectives presented.

Learning Objective : At the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to:
  • Recognize strategies and advances from Rregulatory Aagencies towards strengthening regulatory systems in their respective region
  • Describe insights and best practices from regulators
  • Define future perspectives, challenges, and opportunities for the regulation of biopharmaceuticals in Latin America


Noe Geovanni Garcia

Updates from Central America

Noe Geovanni Garcia

National Directorate Of Medicines, El Salvador

National Director

Rian Marie  Extavour, PhD, MSc, RPh

Caribbean Regulatory System Priorities, Updates and Plans

Rian Marie Extavour, PhD, MSc, RPh

Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA), Trinidad And Tobago

Programme Manager, Caribbean Regulatory System

Heriberto Enrique García Escorza, MPA, RPh

Updates from Chile

Heriberto Enrique García Escorza, MPA, RPh

Instituto de Salud Pública de Chile, Chile


Daniela  Marreco Cerqueira, MS

Regulatory Priorities, Plans, Projects and Updates from ANVISA

Daniela Marreco Cerqueira, MS

ANVISA, Brazil

Associate Director, Third Directorate

