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Baltimore Marriott Waterfront

2022年1月24日 (月) 午前 8:00 - 2022年1月26日 (水) 午後 5:00

700 Aliceanna Street , Baltimore, MD 21202

DIA Global Pharmacovigilance and Risk Management Strategies Conference

Global Pharmacovigilance and Risk Management Strategies Conference is now fully virtual. Join us from the comfort of your own space!

Session 1: Welcome and Opening Remarks and Keynote: Understanding and Combatting COVID-19 Misinformation

Session Chair(s)

Stephen  Knowles, MD, MRCP

Stephen Knowles, MD, MRCP

Chief Medical Officer

Halozyme Therapeutics, United States

This will discuss the Rand lab's research agenda on COVID-19 misinformation (for papers, see https://bit.ly/3EAmr6K). Dr. Rand will describe the results of a large-scale study conducted in 16 countries and examine factors that predict susceptibility to belief in COVID-19 misinformation, as well as interventions to identify misinformation at scale and to reduce the sharing of COVID-19 misinformation on social media. Dr. Rand will also describe research (https://bit.ly/3CDVVsi) showing the power of communications from cultural elites for shaping laypeople's attitudes towards COVID-19 vaccination.

Learning Objective : At the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to:
  • Understand factors which predict susceptibility to believe misinformation
  • Identify potential interventions to reduce the sharing of misinformation
  • Recognize the cultural influences that shape people’s attitudes


David G Rand, PhD

Understanding and Combatting COVID-19 Misinformation

David G Rand, PhD

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States

Erwin H. Schell Professorship & Professor of Management Science, Sloan School

