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Virtual Event

2021年10月25日 (月) 午前 10:00 - 2021年10月26日 (火) 午後 5:15

(US Eastern Standard Time)

Horsham, PA 19044

Real-World Evidence Conference

Translating Insights into Real-World Value.

Exhibitor Event/Non-CE: Innovation Theater Session

Session Chair(s)

Matthew  Stannard

Matthew Stannard

Life Sciences Advisor

InterSystems, United States

Kathleen  Aller

Kathleen Aller

Director of Market Strategy, Healthcare

InterSystems, United States

Alex  MacLeod

Alex MacLeod

Manager, HealthShare Commercial Initiatives

InterSystems, United States

Qi  Li, MD

Qi Li, MD

Physician Executive

InterSystems, United States

*This course requires a Separate RSVP.

Harnessing EHR Data for Clinical Development and Market Access

EHR data is disparate, complicated, and nearly impossible for researchers to access outside of a hospital’s four walls. Yet it has the potential to improve both research and market access. But how can we utilize it if we can’t get to it? In this session InterSystems demystifies EHR data and presents several use cases leveraging our technology and data sharing framework to blend together real-world data sources and paint the complete picture of the patient.

Click here to RSVP!

