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Virtual Event

2020年5月06日 (水) 午後 4:00 - 2020年5月07日 (木) 午後 10:45

(Eastern Standard Time)

Horsham, PA 19044

Medical Affairs and Scientific Communications Forum

This event is now offered in a new entirely virtual format.

Opening Keynote Panel: The Future of Medical Affairs

Session Chair(s)

Rebecca A. Vermeulen, RPh

Rebecca A. Vermeulen, RPh

Vice President, Global Patient Networks | PD Medical Affairs

Genentech, A Member of the Roche Group, United States

Medical Affairs continues to forge a new role as a strategic pillar for healthcare product and innovation. Teams within medical affairs support critical aspects of the drug development lifecycle. With these new responsibilities, challenges emerge. This keynote panel will highlight perspectives on how medical affairs will change the landscape for drug development. Panelists will provide insights on how medical affairs will continue to impact patients’ needs, while providing recommendations for engaging global scientific experts to drive product development.

Learning Objective :

At the conclusion of this opening keynote panel, participants should be able to:

  • Discuss the evolution of the medical affairs role and its impact in the drug development landscape
  • Identify the role medical affairs plays in impacting the needs of patients
  • Identify ways in how to engage globally with scientific experts to help drive the development of products


Alexandra  Zemp, PhD


Alexandra Zemp, PhD

McKinsey & Company, Inc., Switzerland


Kirk  Taylor, MD


Kirk Taylor, MD

EMD Serono, United States

Senior Vice President, North American Medical Affairs

