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Virtual Event

2020年5月06日 (水) 午後 4:00 - 2020年5月07日 (木) 午後 10:45

(Eastern Standard Time)

Horsham, PA 19044

Medical Affairs and Scientific Communications Forum

This event is now offered in a new entirely virtual format.

A Changing Paradigm: Evolution of the Patient in the Information Era

Session Chair(s)

Alexandra  Kantar, PharmD

Alexandra Kantar, PharmD

Associate Director, Global Medical Information, Specialty

AbbVie, Inc., United States

As patients continue to become more informed and resourceful about their health and medicines, their questions and demands from the pharmaceutical industry become more complex and harder to navigate with existing guidances. This session explores emerging patient needs, innovative approaches to engaging patients, assisting them with their medical information inquiries, and enhancing their patient journey while staying compliant and not interfering with the patient/physician relationship.

Learning Objective :

At the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to:

  • Describe the applicable guidances related to interacting with patients and the areas of highest uncertainty
  • Illustrate innovative approaches such as new technologies or social media outlets in engaging with patients
  • Identify tools to assist in writing in a more patient-centric fashion


Kelly  Pincus, PharmD

Bringing the Patient’s Voice into Medical Information

Kelly Pincus, PharmD

GlaxoSmithKline, United States

Michelle  Quinlan, PharmD

Embedding a Culture of Patient-Centricity Within an Organization – How Can We Lead the Way?

Michelle Quinlan, PharmD

Pfizer, Inc., United States

Associate Director, Medical Information

