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DIA Global Center

11 sep 2017 8:15 a.m. - 12 sep 2017 3:30 p.m.

21 Dupont Circle NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20036

Navigating Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls Through the Drug Development Process

Session 5: CMC Requirements for an IND

Session Chair(s)

Albert S. Yehaskel, MBA

Albert S. Yehaskel, MBA

President and CEO

Refuah Global Pharmaceutical Development, Inc., United States

Part A: Drug Substance

  • Part A of the IND will discuss in detail how to design the Drug Substance portion of an IND with real examples
Part B: Drug Product
  • Part B of the IND will discuss in detail how to design the Drug Product portion of an IND with real examples
Part C: Placebo
  • Part C of the IND will discuss in detail how to design the Placebo portion of an IND in the event placebos are used in clinical trials

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