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Patient Engagement Evaluation and Metrics

Examine how to evaluate patient engagement practices and show the results of these efforts to ensure they enhance patient engagement practices.

Perspectiva general

"Capturing the ""return on engagement"" is complex in terms of patient engagement or patient involvement. Many factors influence the impact of initiatives designed to improve product development by including the patient voice. How can a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) system be designed beyond tracking activities and single metrics? How do you know whether you are on track toward reaching your objectives by engaging patients?

This module provides an overview of different approaches to monitoring and evaluating patient engagement programs summarizes what can be evaluated with respect to patient engagement, and how to implement an evaluation, including sample sets of metrics, tools, and participatory methodologies. Learn how to demonstrate the results of patient engagement efforts and make sure your system enables learning by all stakeholders to enhance patient engagement practices.

This module takes an average of 3.5 hours to complete.

This module is part of the DIA Patient Engagement eLearning Program and a component of the Patient Engagement Certificate Program.

Temas destacados

  • Why evaluate patient engagement?
  • What is evaluation?
  • What to evaluate?
  • What methods can be used in evaluating patient engagement?
  • How to use and report data?
  • Putting it into action

¿Quiénes deben asistir?

This program is designed for professionals involved in:

  • Patient Advocacy, Engagement, Experience, and Access
  • Study Endpoint Development
  • Clinical Trial Design and Optimization
  • Medical Affairs/Medical Communications
  • Patient Communications
  • Patient Support Services
  • Health Evaluation and Outcomes Research

Objetivos de aprendizaje

  • Upon completion of this module, learners should be able to:

    • Recognize the importance of evaluation of patient-focused and patient engagement efforts
    • Identify the key principles of evaluation and the elements of patient-focused and patient engagement efforts that can be evaluated: Process, Quality, Outcomes, Return
    • Determine the evaluation methods often used for each element of patient-focused/patient engagement efforts
    • Differentiate the methods used to develop data sources for patient engagement evaluation
    • Analyze how to use the information gathered from representative patients to evaluate and validate other findings gathered from HCPs, surveys, and health economics and outcomes research (HEOR) data
    • Recognize analysis and reporting of patient engagement evaluation data
    • Utilize effective dissemination and use of results of patient engagement evaluation both with internal teams and with external (patient, patient organization) participants
    • Identify the process for developing patient engagement metrics, including setting objectives, defining expected outcomes, and identifying relevant measures

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