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DIA 2018

DIA 2018 is located at:

Boston Convention & Exhibition Center
415 Summer Street
Boston, MA 02210

About the DIA 2018 Global Annual Meeting

DIA, founded as the Drug Information Association, has provided a global, yet neutral stage, for collaboration to address healthcare challenges for more than 50 years. DIA's Global Annual Meeting (DIA 2018) gathers stakeholders from across the world to openly knowledge share, generating insights beyond boundaries to advance innovation in healthcare product development and lifecycle management globally.

Everyone passionate about working at the global intersection of science, healthcare, and regulation come together at DIA. No barriers, just dialogue among thought leaders and regulators who may not otherwise connect.

As the largest, longest-running event in the life sciences industry, this gathering is designed to foster the international exchange of actionable insights to improve health globally through the advancement of lifesaving medicines and technologies. DIA 2018 Global Annual Meeting will host more than 6,000 professionals in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device communities from more than 50 countries around the globe and 450+ exhibiting companies.

The goal of the DIA 2018 Global Annual Meeting is to provide you and your team with a rare opportunity to build on what you already know in the development of new therapies and accelerate efforts to enhance health and well-being.

There is no other event like DIA 2018.

Need justification as to why you should attend this year's largest life sciences meeting globally? Download and fill out our Justification letter to demonstrate to your supervisor why this is a must-attend event.

8 Reasons to Attend

DIA 2018Learn why the DIA 2018 Global Annual Meeting is the can't-miss event of the year!

View Infographic.

Patients Included

DIA 2018 is now Patients Included!

Click here to learn more!

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