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Courtyard Marriott, Mumbai

Sep 22, 2017 8:00 AM - Sep 23, 2017 6:00 PM

Mumbai C.T.S. No. 215, Andheri Kurla Road, Andheri East 400 059, MH, India

Deciphering the Why, When and How of Risk Based Monitoring

Day 1: Session 3: Evolving Regulations/Guidelines: What do you need to do differently?

Session Chair(s)

Chandrika  Arora

Chandrika Arora

Founder & CEO

QMATRA Services LLP, India


Artem  Andrianov, PhD, MBA

Session 3.1: GCP Goes Risk-Based: a critical review of evolving GCP guidelines and EMA Regulations

Artem Andrianov, PhD, MBA

Cyntegrity Germany GmbH, Germany


Lorne  Cheeseman

Session 3.2: RBM, Risk and US Regulations

Lorne Cheeseman

Kestrel Biologic, United States

Chief Executive Officer

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