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Tokyo Big Sight

Nov 12, 2017 9:30 AM - Nov 14, 2017 5:30 PM

3-11-1 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo, 135-0063 Japan

14th DIA Japan Annual Meeting 2017

[V3-S2] [Educational Session] Understand the Rules and Process of the US and EU Labeling

Session Chair(s)

Rie  Matsui, RPh

Rie Matsui, RPh

Senior Director, Regional Labeling Head for APAC, International Labeling

Pfizer R&D Japan G.K., Japan

Centralized labeling within global companies has been further facilitated by MRCT progress. It is necessary to revisit the rules of US and EU labeling to identify the difference between the US/EU and Japan in order to properly understand the global headquarters’ intention. Moreover, the ruling process such as US PRA or CBE, and EU labeling process such as CP or MRP will be discussed for greater understanding. This session is important for people who are actually involved in the division of labeling management, as well as for people in divisions related to the new drug development.


A. Leander  Fontaine, MD

Regulatory Procedures for Changing the Content of Healthcare Professional Labeling and Associated Patient Labeling: USA

A. Leander Fontaine, MD

Pharmiceutics, LLC., United States


Francesco  Pignatti, MD

Rules and Processes of the EU Labelling

Francesco Pignatti, MD

European Medicines Agency, Netherlands

Scientific Adviser for Oncology

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