T-02: Collaborative Efforts Toward Full-scale Utilization of Medical Information Database Network (MID-NET®)
Poster Presenter
Maori Ito
Office of Medical Informatics and Science
Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) Japan
MID-NET® is a project for establishing a new Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) database in Japan. The aim of the project is to promote effective safety measures for drugs through pharmacoepidemiological methods utilizing real world data.
We advanced MID-NET® in the following steps: 1) Select hospitals and construct MID-NET®’s system, 2) Manage data and system quality, 3) Transmit the data, 4) Conduct pilot studies and validate, 5) Develop program libraries for analysis and 6) establishing procedures for full-scale utilization.
PMDA has successfully finished developing a closed network which consists of 10 medical institutions including 23 hospitals in Japan. We constructed common data model for MID-NET® such as patient, disease, medical procedure, drug information and laboratory test. MID-NET® accumulate a real time data in addition to previous data. As of December 2016, data about two million patients are stored in MID-NET®. Although data inconsistencies were found at the initial stage, the data quality has been dramatically improved through collaborative efforts between the hospitals and PMDA. We have started to conduct pilot studies for benefit-risk assessments and for characterizing data of MID-NET. Recently, we have established program library for pharmacoepidmiological analysis with high quality which will be publically available in the near future. The library includes drug utilization study, interrupted time series, nested case control design with covariate adjustment, and cohort study design using propensity score for standardization and matching. We are currently working on final stage establishing procedure for full scale utilization which will be started in FY2018.
MID-NET® project is successfully moving forward for full scale implementation in FY 2018. MID-NET® is a high quality, real-time and standardized Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) database that will contribute to promoting public health.