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Session 4: Crisis Management: How Companies Moved From Emergency Plans to a New Status Quo With COVID-19 and Closing Remarks
Session Chair(s)
Marta Avellar
Medical Information Head, Latin America and North America Medical Information
Takeda, Brazil
Barbara Nardi, PharmD
Global Director - Medical Communications
Thermo Fisher Scientific, Brazil
Crisis Management has always been a part of Medical Information Operations. In light of the current COVID-19 crisis, how operations are changing and adapting to this new world is of utmost importance. This session will focus on an overview of strategies and recommendations for collectively addressing the COVID-19 pandemic.
Learning Objective : - Explain how operations are changing to handle the current COVID-19 crisis and the strategies companies are utilizing
- Identify customers’ concerns and behaviors during the crisis and how teams are capturing customers’ needs
- Identify how companies are building the new world – post COVID-19: adapting to working from home, managing teams, and resources
Bruna Semendri De Vivo, MBA
ePharma, Brazil
Operations Head
Paulo Roberto Gomes Takey, DrSc, PharmD, MSc, RPh
Bio-Manguinhos/Fiocruz, Brazil
Qualified Person Responsible for Pharmacovigilance & Medical Devices Vigilance
Maria Beatriz Bastos Lucchesi, MBA, MSc
Fundação Butantan, Brazil
Pharmacovigilance Manager
Vera Lúcia Gattás, PhD
Instituto Butantan , Brazil
Trudy Burdette, BSN, RN
PPD, United States
Associate Director of Operations
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