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Virtual Event

May 27, 2020 10:45 AM - May 29, 2020 3:30 PM

(US Eastern Standard Time)

Fort Washington, PA 19034

DIA/FDA Biostatistics Industry and Regulator Forum

Session 7: A Community of Networks, Creating, and Leveraging a Network of Distributed Data Supporting Medical Product Development

Session Chair(s)

Rima  Izem, PhD

Rima Izem, PhD

Associate Director Statistical Methodology

Novartis, Switzerland

Pallavi  Mishra-Kalyani, PhD, MS

Pallavi Mishra-Kalyani, PhD, MS

Deputy Division Director, DBV, OB, CDER

FDA, United States

The size, number and diversity of healthcare data sources increases at a faster pace than the speed of this information’s use in regulatory and business decisions necessary in the drug development lifecycle. The innovation leverages common goals to share resources and advance public health more efficiently than any member of the network could feasibly accomplish alone. The innovation is also in creating standards, processes, designs and analyses which account for the distributed nature of the information and is fair to stakeholders in the network. This latter set of innovation can be borrowed and adapted by future networks and partnerships. This panel will discuss the promise and accomplishments of networks in designing clinical trials or observational studies to assess drug safety, and efficacy in rare diseases and oncology. Panelists will discuss lessons learned in creating these networks, their accomplishments and promising current/future work.


Jeremy A Rassen, DrSc, MS


Jeremy A Rassen, DrSc, MS

Aetion, United States

Co-Founder and President

Aracelis  Torres, PhD


Aracelis Torres, PhD

Flatiron Health, United States

Director, Quantitative Sciences

Klaus  Romero, MD, MS

PPP Networks and Quantitative Drug Development Tools

Klaus Romero, MD, MS

Critical Path Institute, Netherlands

Chief Executive Officer

Telba  Irony, PhD, MS, MSc


Telba Irony, PhD, MS, MSc

Janssen R&D, United States

Senior Scientific Director, Quantitative Sciences

Yong  Ma, PhD


Yong Ma, PhD

FDA, United States

Lead Mathematical Statistician, OB, OTS, CDER

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