Short Course* Registration: 12:30-5:00PM
This short course will provide an overview on the best practices for assembling a marketing application for a combination product. FDA’s current thinking is that a single application is generally appropriate for a combination product, the type of application depending on the primary mode of action (PMOA) of the product. In determining the information needed to demonstrate the safety and effectiveness of the product as a whole, the statutes and regulations pertaining to each constituent part must be considered.
The course will highlight two application types: a drug/device (drug-led) application, and a device/drug (device-led) application. For each type, content options to include for the non-lead constituent part will be discussed. The impact of complexity of the non-lead constituent part on the best content option will be examined. Case studies with open discussions and dialogue will be used throughout the course.
*Short Courses are not included in the meeting registration and require a separate fee.Have an account?