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Advertising and Promotion Regulatory Affairs Conference Call for Abstracts

8/27/2024 7:00:00 AM - 9/24/2024 11:59:00 PM

Call for Session, Presentation, and Short Course Abstracts

Read Abstract Details | Submit

Abstract Submission Deadline: Tuesday, September 24

Notification: Week of October 28

Final PowerPoint Presentations Due: February 3, 2025

Conference Dates: February 24-25, 2025

Questions: Contact

Are you a professional involved in the advertising and promotion space? If so, DIA wants to hear from you! The DIA 2025 Advertising and Promotion Regulatory Affairs Conference to be held on February 24-25, 2025, in Bethesda, MD explores the current state of compliance for marketing both pharmaceuticals, biologics and medical devices . Join industry thought leaders and government officials for interactive and compelling discussions that will shape policy and define strategic priorities within the advertising and promotion regulatory space. Don’t miss an opportunity to present at this conference, share your knowledge and expertise and connect with other experts in the industry.

To ensure we have the most comprehensive and cutting-edge program, we are seeking abstract submissions from professionals like yourself, who are pushing the boundaries in their respective fields. We encourage you to submit abstracts that reflect the latest trends, innovations and/or relevant ideas, methods, and best practices in advertising and promotion. We will be accepting the following formats:

  • Presentations: 15-20 minute presentation to be bundled with other presentations to create a session (1 speaker)
  • Sessions: 75-minute total session (3 maximum speakers)
  • Short Courses: Three-hour interactive workshop delivered in a small group format (these will be delivered virtually and require a separate registration fee from attendees)

Please note that this conference is attended by many regulatory professionals, service providers and health authority representatives, and topics in addition to those listed below that you feel are relevant, may be submitted for evaluation and possible selection.

Example Submission Topic Areas include :

  • Ad Promo’s role in early and ongoing cross-functional planning (e.g., labeling best practices, target labeling, study design , patient reported outcomes [PRO] data, and CFL assessments)
  • Ad Promo’s role in the biosimilars space
  • Application of innovation strategies in review (e.g., machine learning [ML], artificial intelligence [AI], and Generative AI [GenAI] in promotional review)
  • Consistent FDA Required Labeling (CFL ) promotional communication insights, best practices, and use cases (e.g., direct-to-consumer [DTC] and healthcare providers [HCPs])
  • Best practices and limitations of the SIUU guidance
  • Considerations for TV and radio ads under the Clear, Conspicuous, and Neutral Final Rule
  • Disease awareness best practices and lessons learned (e.g., morphing from disease awareness to branded content as part of a launch strategy, running concurrent disease awareness and branded campaigns, etc.)
  • DTC promotional labeling and advertising best practices and lessons learned (e.g., implementation and incorporation of final guidance for the “Presenting Quantitative efficacy and risk information in DTC promotional labeling and advertisements”)
  • Due diligence in corporate transactions (e.g., merger and acquisition)
  • Effective strategies for special populations (e.g., rare disease, pediatric, etc.)
  • Global advertising and promotion best practices and use cases (e.g., global and social media platforms, virtual promotion, international congresses and press releases, and global review processes [centralized vs. decentralized])
  • Integrating diversity, equity, inclusion, and health literacy into advertising and promotion strategies (e.g., CFL)
  • Market access (e.g., best practices for engaging payors)
  • Mechanisms for evaluating substantiation of claims (e.g., SASS, CARSE, real-world data and real-world evidence)
  • Medical and scientific communication: Strategies, best practices and lessons learned
  • Preparing for innovation in advertising and promotion (e.g., omnichannel/modular content)
  • Promotional submissions to the FDA: Insights and best practices (e.g., modular/omnichannel, Subpart H and E approvals and submissions)
  • Promotional review committee (PRC) insights and risk assessment best practices (e.g., how to navigate and escalation processes, and small versus large pharma)
  • Social media in advertising and promotion (e.g., emerging trends, correcting misinformation, use of influencers, updated FTC guidelines)
  • Subpart H approvals/promotion
  • Ways of working for the regulatory advertising and promotion functional area (e.g., challenges/barriers, how to overcome challenges/barriers, managing conflict, career development)

Abstract Details and Guidelines

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