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T 18: Comparing the Equivalence of EQ-5D-5L PROM Across Paper and Electronic Modes of Administration

Poster Presenter

      Chris David Watson

      • Director of Product Strategy - Digital Patient
      • ERT
        United Kingdom


Recognize the interest in delivering Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) using mobile devices To demonstrate the steps required to implement an eCOA assessment for use in a clinical trial. To describe the lessons learned from this implementation and to convey these to an audience.


ORAL PRESENTATION SCHEDULED: Session 1B at 12:30 - 12:40 PM

A mobile EQ-5D-5L version was developed with guidance from EuroQol. 200 respondents from Yorks, UK were randomly allocated paper or mobile administration modes based on age, gender and self-reported health issues. Respondents were asked to complete the EQ-5D-5L and follow up usability questions.


EQ-5D equivalence was compared at the dimension and utility and VAS score level using ANOVA. Response rates were comparable across the arms, with the majority of respondents owning a smartphone. The mean EQ-5D-5L utility and VAS scores and the frequency of respondents endorsing the individual EQ-5D-5L categories across each of the dimensions does not differ across the administration modes. The majority of the mobile phone completion sample agreed that the mobile version of EQ-5D-5L was easy to complete, and that the phone was easy to use, and that they would complete e-PROMs again.


Completing e-PROMs using mobile phones produces equivalent results and response rates to pencil and paper methods, and respondents are positive towards completing questionnaires using these methods. A follow up study comparing the same measure across different sized devices and operating systems is in progress.

