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San Diego Convention Center

2014年6月15日 (日) 午前 8:30 - 2014年6月19日 (木) 午後 12:45

111 W Harbor Drive, , San Diego, CA 92101 , USA

DIA 2014 50th Annual Meeting "Celebrate the Past - Invent the Future"

Capital Efficient Drug Development with Revolutionary Technologies: Calculated Risks

Session Chair(s)

Robert  Wright, MBA

Robert Wright, MBA

Chief Editor

Life Science Connect, United States

Being willing to take risks is essential to innovation. Calculated risk involves considerable analysis and market understanding but also requires passion, guts, perseverance, and constant reassessment and willingness to change course. This session will address how life science leaders must focus on practical translation of the science while being mindful of the convergence of multiple disciplines like ethics, information technology, and economics.

Learning Objective : Define calculated risk; Describe potential roadblocks to bringing a disruptive technology to the market; Outline key decisions that mitigate risk and allow you to advance in a capital efficient manner.


Leslie J. Williams

Build It and They Will Come, Won't They?

Leslie J. Williams

ImmusanT, United States

Director, Founder, President and Chief Executive Officer

Keith  Murphy

Tale of Two Pharmas

Keith Murphy

Organovo, Inc., United States

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Laurie A. Halloran, BSN, MS

Plans, People and Process

Laurie A. Halloran, BSN, MS

United States

President and Chief Executive Officer

