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Ottawa Marriott Hotel

28 oct 2014 8:00 a.m. - 29 oct 2014 3:00 p.m.

100 Kent Street , Ottawa, ON K1P5R7 , CANADA

DIA’s Annual Canadian Meeting: Thinking Globally, Acting Locally for The Well-Being of the Patient

Session Chair(s)

Karen  Feltmate

Karen Feltmate


Redstone Health Group, Inc., Canada


Thomas  Holloway

Private Payer HTA Assessor Perspective

Thomas Holloway

Equitus Consulting Inc., Canada


Wayne  Critchley

Patient Perspectives on the Impact of HTA on Patient Access to Medicines

Wayne Critchley

Global Public Affairs, Canada

Senior Associate, Health & LIfe Sciences

Chander  Sehgal, MD, MBA

Chander Sehgal, MD, MBA

CADTH, Canada

Director, CDR and Rapid Response

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